Burn Everything Gaming

RPGs and more

Star Trek Fate: Skills

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As with any normal FATE game, this universe needs skills. I tried to keep physical skills and social skills at a similar number because I want this game to be even between physical conflicts and social conflicts.

Skills:  Physical=9, Social=9, Mental=4

(p)Athletics = Physical Initiative. Agility and running
(s)Contacts = Who you know, hearing rumors
(p)Craftsmanship = Making and repairing mechanical things
(s)Customs = Understanding groups of people. Languages known.

(s)Deceit = how good you are at lying to someone, disguises. 1 vs 1
(m)Discipline = Ability to focus.
(s)Empathy = Social Initiative. how good you are at reading people.
(p)Fight = hand to hand combat and hand held (non projectile) weapons.
(p)Notice = Passive perception
(p)Physique (physical stress) = physical toughness and strength.
(s)Provoke = scaring people. making them angry. Getting a reaction out of people
(p)Investigation = Active perception
(s)Performance = Acting to a group of people. 1 vs. a crowd. Playing an instrument
(p)Piloting = Controlling a vessel or vehicle of any sort.
(s)Presence (social stress) = Leadership. Respect
(m)Protocol = Understanding military protocol and tactics.
(s) Rapport = Talking with people. Getting people to trust you.
(s) Resources = Level of Material wealth.
(m)Scholarship = Book smarts. Using computers.
(p)Survival = Scavenge for material. Stealth. Shadowing.
(p)Weapons = Ranged combat. Projectile weapons, thrown weapons
(m)Willpower (mental stress) = How much you believe in something and will fight for it.

Each skill is used to do 4 basic things:

Overcome: To overcome a challenge, engaging a task, or hindrance related to your skill.

Create an Advantage: Creating an aspect for you to use by discovering something (situation or information) that you or someone can use.

Attack: Simple physical, mental, or social attack.

Defend: Defend against an attack or prevent someone from harming or creating an advantage against you or something you are protecting.

X = Common uses
o = Situational

Skill Overcome Create an Advantage Attack Defend
Athletics X X X
Contacts X X o X
Craftsmanship X X o  o
Customs X X o X
Deceive X X X
Discipline X X X
Empathy o X X
Fight o X X X
Investigation X X
Notice o o X
Performance X X
Presence X X X
Physique X o X
Piloting X X o X
Protocol X X X
Provoke X X X
Rapport X X X
Resources X X
Scholarship X X
Survival X X X
Weapon o X X
Will o X X


(p)Athletics = Physical Initiative. Agility and running

  • Overcome = Overcoming obstacles and zone movement
  • Create Advantage= Jumping to high ground, running faster than opponent, performing acrobatic maneuvers to confound foes
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Defence against physical conflict. Dodging.

(s)Contacts = Who you know, hearing rumors, networking

  • Overcome = Finding someone or information someone knows.
  • Create Advantage= Create reputation about an individual.
  • Attack= Situational. You could use Contacts to attack someones Reputation and do Social Stress.
  • Defend= Defend against people creating social advantages against you, provided your information network can be brought to bear in the situation.

(p)Craftsmanship = Making and repairing mechanical things

  • Overcome = Overcome by building, breaking, or fixing a mechanical device.
  • Create Advantage= Pointing out useful information like strengths or weaknesses dealing with mechanical device.
    • This can also create temporary scene aspects such as “makeshift pully”
  • Attack= X (unless machine is attacking a machine)
  • Defend= X (unless machine is getting attacked by a machine)

(s)Customs = Understanding groups of people. Languages known.

  • Overcome = Ability to perform a societies customs correctly.
  • Create Advantage= Knowing a particular societies customs and how to best use that to your advantage.
    • Create temporary scene aspects of “I know this proper ritual”
  • Attack= Can also be used in a contest between yourself an another to see who knows the customs the best.
  • Defend= This can be used to defend against attacks showing you don’t know the customs.

(s)Deceit = how good you are at lying to someone, disguises. 1 vs 1

  • Overcome = Bluff or Deceive past someone or get someone to believe a lie.
  • Create Advantage= Create momentary  distractions (cover stories, flas impressions)
    • Feint in a sword fight
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Can be used to throw off an Investigation attempts with false information and defend against efforts made to discern your true motives with the Empathy skill.

(m)Discipline = Ability to focus.

  • Overcome = If needing to remain focused for an extended period of time this can be achieved.
  • Create Advantage= Can be used to give yourself aspects like “really focused on X”, or “studied overnight”.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Used to defend against Provoke attacks or anything trying to manipulate your emotions. Also works as a defense against people trying to create an advantage on you.

(s)Empathy = Social Initiative. how good you are at reading people.

  • Overcome = This could work like Notice, to see if you can get a reading on the emotional atmosphere.
  • Create Advantage= Used to read a persons emotional state and to get a sense of who they are.
    • After a few minutes you can try to get a reading on them. This can be defended by deceive or Rapport. If successful, you can learn an aspect from their sheet.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Used to defend against Deceive actions. Also used against those trying to create social advantages on you.

(p)Fight = hand to hand combat and hand held (non projectile) weapons.

  • Overcome = Could be used to demonstrate your skill in a tournament.
  • Create Advantage= Creating a physical Aspect you can use later.
  • Attack= Straightforward. Damage is equal to success over defense. Usually defended with Athletics (dodge) or Fight.
  • Defend= Used as a defense against a Fight attack, but not a Weapon attack or any other long ranged attack.

(p)Investigation = Active perception

  • Overcome = Analyzing situations for useful information can be hard.
  • Create Advantage= Versatile. You can overhear a conversation and have “I heard about that” aspect for yourself. Conducting surveillance can give you an aspect of “Staked out”
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= X

(p)Notice = Passive perception

  • Overcome = Reactive skill.
  • Create Advantage= Can be used to get a general idea of the physical around you. This won’t give you a specific advantage (use investigation for that).
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Used against ambush or finding hidden things when you aren’t specifically looking for them.

(s)Performance = Acting to a group of people. 1 vs. a crowd. Playing an instrument

  • Overcome = Playing an instrument good enough for a performance.
  • Create Advantage= Creating an aspect on a crowd like “entertained” or “distracted”.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= X

(p)Physique (physical stress) = physical toughness and strength.

  • Overcome = Overcome obstacles using brute force. Lifting and Smashing. Anything based on Endurance.
  • Create Advantage= Could be used to create aspects like “pinned” or “locked down” when grappling.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Not specifically used against attacks, but it can provide active opposition to someone else’s movement (you are big enough in a small enough space, or you are holding something in the way of them moving).

(p)Piloting = Controlling a vessel or vehicle of any sort.

  • Overcome = Basically Athletics for vehicles. Overcoming rough terrain or space.
  • Create Advantage= Doing a fancy maneuver (did a barrel roll), or declaring you know a “special shortcut”
  • Attack= Usually no. But if you are using a vehicle to ram something, it is then an attack.
  • Defend= Similar to how Athletics is used to dodge, except with a vehicle.

(s)Presence (social stress) = Leadership. Respect

  • Overcome = This can be used to represent having a big enough Reputation to be taken seriously.
  • Create Advantage= Create an advantage when trying to command a group of people. This can give the group a “well coordinated” aspect.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Passive defense (similar to the active defense that Report does).

(m)Protocol = Understanding military protocol and tactics.

  • Overcome = Works as a military Notice skill. Also when tested for military and Star Fleet knowledge.
  • Create Advantage= Using your knowledge to place yourself in a superior position “Superior Position” or to know what the enemy is planning to do “I see what you did there”.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Defend against strategic moves of the enemy using Protocol.

(s)Provoke = scaring people. making them angry. Getting a reaction out of people

  • Overcome = used against low level PCs to get them to do what you want.
  • Create Advantage = You can create advantages on other characters like “Enraged, Shocked, or Hesitant. They defend with Discipline.
  • Attack= Emotional and Social attacks are performed using provoke.
  • Defend= X

(s) Rapport = Talking with people. Getting people to trust you.

  • Overcome = Charm or inspire people. Establish a good connection with people.
    • Also can be used to talk down angry people.
  • Create Advantage= Can establish a positive mood on target to get them to confide in you. Placed aspects are “talkative”, “trusted” etc.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Used against attacks that damage your reputation (in person). Can also be used to deflect Empathy or Deceive attempts for you to reveal parts of yourself. You can use to reveal things already known.

(s) Resources = Level of material wealth

  • Overcome = If throwing money at the problem works, use Resources.
  • Create Advantage= Create an advantage by buying things, or giving things you bought to people.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= X

(m)Scholarship = Book smarts. Using computers.

  • Overcome = Information can be hard to know. If you have spent enough time studying you may have “heard of that”.
  • Create Advantage= Similar to investigation, your knowledge or researching can create advantages.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= X

(p)Survival = Scavenge for material. Stealth. Shadowing. Basically all the skills to survive.

  • Overcome = Maybe gathering supplies to survive for the night.
  • Create Advantage= Creating aspects like “well hidden”
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Defending against attempts to find you.

(p)Weapons = Ranged combat. Projectile weapons, thrown weapons

  • Overcome = Very situational. Maybe during a demonstration of this skill.
  • Create Advantage= Can place things like “pinned down” or “cover fire”.
  • Attack= Physical attacks. Based on the weapon it will have different weapon attack.
    • Rock = Weapon 1
    • Phaser = Weapon 4
  • Defend= X

(m)Willpower (mental stress) = How much you believe in something and will fight for it.

  • Overcome = As a last resort you can use Will to overcome.
  • Create Advantage= This can be used to create aspects based on how much you believe in something.
  • Attack= X
  • Defend= Direct Mental attacks are defended by Will.


Author: Burn Everything Gaming

Website that mostly produces Actual Play Podcast as well as game reviews and other musings on the topic. Hope you enjoy.

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